On Demand | 23.05.2023

The MES of Tomorrow | On-demand webinar

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The MES of Tomorrow

With a Factory Data Hub towards a flexible manufacturing system

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Mehr Informationen

MES on-Demand Webinar. Zwei lächelnde Männer mittleren Alters mit Textüberlagerung.
  • MES challenges today: What are the most common roadblocks faced currently by manufacturers?
  • Strategies and best practices: Flexible workflow with real-time production data, continuous data availability and cyber security.
  • Summary & questions

About the webinar

The MES of Tomorrow 

With a Factory Data Hub to a flexible manufacturing system

Monolithic MES systems are a thing of the past. Increasing manufacturing complexity, shorter technology cycles and supply chain bottlenecks require flexibility on the shop floor. Therefore, selected MES functions must be implemented quickly and adaptably with existing systems and machines. To achieve this, a central Factory Data Hub provides the ability to work quickly with real-time data, continuous data availability and cybersecurity. Learn how the Factory Data Hub enables you to quickly and efficiently deliver the right data to customized MES modules and other end applications.

👥 Interesting for: Consultants in the area of MES or digital manufacturing, solution architects, IT-architects, IT production planning, digital officers, head of digitalization, smart factory lead and many more

NTT Data als Global System Integrator Partner von Cybus

Meet the Speaker

Gero Adrian

After a long career in consulting for American system integrators in leading positions, Gero Adrian is now responsible for expanding digital production expertise at NTT DATA DACH.

Gero Adrian

Senior Management Advisor

Danny Rybakowski

Head of Partner Management

Cybus Logo 2021

Meet the Speaker

Danny Rybakowski

Mr. Rybakowski shapes the Industrial IoT market with innovative partnership concepts and works closely with leading consultants and integration companies.

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