On Demand | 07.03.2023

The cloud-first contradiction | On-demand webinar

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The cloud-first contradiction

Why manufacturing needs edge solutions

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Mehr Informationen

On-Demand Webinar von Cybus mit dem Thema: The cloud-first Contradiction

Watch our Industrial IoT webinar on-demand and learn how integrating cloud and edge improves your manufacturing operations.

  • Benefits of a cloud-first strategy
  • Limitations of cloud-first
  • Use cases for combining cloud and edge solutions
  • Best practices for implementing a cloud-edge architecture in manufacturing

Benjamin Gehlken

Partner Manager

Cybus Logo 2021

Meet the Speaker

Benjamin Gehlken

As Partner Manager, Benjamin Gehlken is close to both partners and their customers. This enables him to gain deep insights into the evolving Industrial IoT market.

He works closely with leading consulting, technology, and integration companies to develop innovative digitalization strategies that address the interests of all Smart Factory stakeholders.

About the webinar

Why manufacturing needs edge solutions

The manufacturing industry is increasingly adopting a cloud-first strategy. However, relying solely on the cloud can lead to issues with latency, security, and connectivity.

Companies that combine cloud-first and edge solutions benefit from global governance, IT security and scalability, with low costs and high efficiency. Join our webinar to gain insights from industry leaders and learn how to leverage the power of both cloud and edge solutions for your manufacturing operations.

👥 Target group: Production and IT managers, managers responsible for strategic production initiatives.

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