Installing Connectware on Kubernetes

When you have chosen whether to use Connectware LTS or regular you are ready to install in your target cluster. To install Connectware on Kubernetes, you must complete the following tasks: Prerequisites for installing Connectware on Kubernetes Before you start with the Connectware installation, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites: Adding the Helm […]


Connectware Helm Chart Basics

Obtaining the local name of your Connectware Helm repository The local name of your Connectware Helm repository corresponds to the following URL: For the code examples in this documentation, we use the variable <local-repo> to refer to the local name of your Connectware Helm repository. Obtaining the name, namespace, and version of your Connectware […]


Installing Connectware Agents without a License Key Using the connectware-agent Helm Chart

Prerequisites Follow this guide if you want to install agents using the connectware-agent Helm chart without providing your license key. You have two options to achieve this: The agents will still verify a valid license for your Connectware once you register them Installing Using a Manually Created Pull Secret If you don’t enter a license […]


Configuring Agent Persistence for the connectware-agent Helm Chart

Connectware agents use a PersistentVolumeClaim to persist data in between restarts. Persistence configuration parameters for existing agents can’t be changed. To do so uninstall and reinstall the agent Configuring Desired StorageClass By default, agents will use the Kubernetes clusters default storage class. To specify another StorageClass to use, set the Helm value persistence.storageClassName inside the […]


Troubleshooting Agents Installed with the connectware-agent Helm Chart

Prerequisites Troubleshooting Agent Problems When having problems with agents installed using the connectware-agent Helm chart, the first step is usually to delete any pod stuck in a state other than Running and Ready. This can easily happen, because the agents are StatefulSets, which do not automatically get rescheduled if they are unhealthy when their controller is updated, so […]


Connectware Account

Sign in to Your Account You sign in to your Connectware account with your username and password. For an extra layer of security, you can use multi-factor authentication in addition to your Connectware password. Depending on the Connectware settings of your organization, signing in via multi-factor authentication can be optional or required. Related Links Changing […]


Installing Connectware Agents using the connectware-agent Helm Chart

Prerequisites Adding the Helm Chart Repository Add the Cybus connectware-helm repository to your local Helm installation to use the connectware-agent Helm chart to install Connectware agents in Kubernetes: To verify that the Helm chart is available you can execute a Helm search: NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION cybus/connectware-agentstandalone agents 1.0.0 1.1.5 Cybus Connectware Creating […]


Docker Container Monitoring Using PRTG

Prerequisites In this lesson we will walk you through all the measures necessary to be taken so PRTG is able to connect to a remote Docker socket. As a prerequisite, it is necessary to have Docker installed on your system as well as an instance of PRTG with access to that host. We assume you have at least a […]


Using Ansible for Connectware Orchestration

Prerequisites In this lesson we will set up a local Cybus Connectware Instance using Ansible. As a prerequisite, it is necessary to have Ansible, Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system as well as a valid Connectware License on hand. Docker shouldn’t be installed using snapcraft! We assume you are already familiar with Cybus […]


Installing Cybus Connectware on Kubernetes Clusters

Introduction This quick start guide describes the steps to install the Cybus Connectware onto a Kubernetes cluster.Please consult the article Installing Cybus Connectware for the basic requirements to run the software, like having access to the Cybus Portal to acquire a license key. The following topics are covered by this article: Prerequisites We assume that […]


Integrate Elasticsearch with Connectware

Prerequisites In this lesson, we will send data from Cybus Connectware to an Elasticsearch Cluster. As a prerequisite, it is necessary to set up the Connectware instance and the Elasticsearch instance to be connected. In case of joining a more advanced search infrastructure, a Logstash instance between Connectware and the Elasticsearch cluster may be useful. […]


Installing Cybus Connectware

Introduction In this lesson you will learn how to install Cybus Connectware directly onto a Linux system. The following topics are covered by this article: Prerequisites for Installing Cybus Connectware This lesson assumes that you already have an account for the Cybus Portal. If you have no valid credentials, please contact our sales team. If you want […]


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