
Set up Connectware on Docker


Install Connectware on Kubernetes



Set up Connectware on Kubernetes


System Connectivity

Integrate your systems with Connectware


Machine Connectivity

Connect your machines seamlessly


TBD: Introduction Text

What is connectware? Connectware is …


Getting Started

Your Connectware journey starts here


Custom Connectors

Connectware supports a wide range of communication protocols out of the box. However, if you need to connect to a device or sensor that is not yet supported by the Protocol Mapper, you can develop a custom connector. Custom connectors allow you to add custom connection and endpoint resources to integrate self-developed or less common […]


Upgrade Connectware from 1.x to 1.5 (Kubernetes Guide)

This Cybus Kubernetes guide provides a detailed procedure to help admins adjust the persistent volume content permissions to ensure a smooth upgrade to Connectware 1.5.0 in Kubernetes environments. Important: Connectware 1.5.0 introduces a significant change regarding container privileges. Now, containers are started without root privileges. This change causes an issue where files that persisted on […]


Upgrade Connectware from 1.x to 1.5 (Docker Guide)

This Cybus Docker guide provides a detailed procedure to help admins adjust the persistent volume content permissions to ensure a smooth upgrade to Connectware 1.5.0 in Docker Compose environments. Important: Connectware 1.5.0 introduces a significant change regarding container privileges. Now, containers are started without root privileges. This change causes an issue where files that persisted […]


Customizing the User RDN for LDAP Authentication

Prerequisites Customizing the Search Filter for LDAP Authentication If your LDAP directory uses a different property than “cn” as the username that is to be used, you can specify this property in the Helm value userRdn in the global.authentication.ldap context. Example Related Links


Enabling TLS for LDAP Authentication

Prerequisites Enabling TLS for LDAP Authentication To use TLS for LDAP you only need to set a valid ldaps:// URL for the Helm value url in the global.authentication.ldap context. Remember to also adjust the TCP port number. By default LDAPS uses port 636. Connectware will verify that the LDAP server presents a valid certificate before […]


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