Controlling the Name of Kubernetes Objects for the connectware-agent Helm Chart

By default, agents created through the connectware-agent Helm chart will be controlled through Kubernetes objects that are prefixed with the name of your installation (called a “release” in Helm terms) and the name of the Helm chart. This is done to ensure non-conflicting Kubernetes object names.

If these prefixes are identical, they are only used once. This means, that by default, when following our recommendations, an agent named “bender-robots” would create a StatefulSet name “connectware-agent-connectware-agent-bender-robots”, which is shortened to “connectware-agent-bender-robots”.

There are two Helm values, that allow you to control these prefixes:

nameOverrideOverrides the Helm chart name, which is the second half of the prefix
fullnameOverrideOverrides the full prefix (first and second part)

Setting either value to an empty string (““) removes the prefix part it controls.


Setting nameOverride to “cw-agent” for an installation named “agents”.

nameOverride: cw-agent protocolMapperAgents: - name: bender-robots
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

This will result in an agent StatefulSet named “agents-cw-agent-bender-robots”


Setting fullnameOverride to “my-agents” for an installation named “connectware-agents”.

fullnameOverride: my-agents protocolMapperAgents: - name: bender-robots
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

This will result in an agent StatefulSet named “my-agents-bender-robots”


Setting fullnameOverride to “” for an installation named “connectware-agents”.

fullnameOverride: "" protocolMapperAgents: - name: bender-robots
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

This will result in an agent StatefulSet named “bender-robots”

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    Configuring Security Context for the connectware-agent Helm Chart

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