Connectware Helm Chart Basics

Obtaining the local name of your Connectware Helm repository

The local name of your Connectware Helm repository corresponds to the following URL:

  • To display the local name of your Connectware Helm repository, enter the following command: helm repo list

For the code examples in this documentation, we use the variable <local-repo> to refer to the local name of your Connectware Helm repository.

Obtaining the name, namespace, and version of your Connectware installation

If you want to upgrade and configure Connectware, you must know the name, namespace, and version of your Connectware installation.


  • Helm version 3 is installed on your system.
  • The Kubernetes command line tool kubectl is configured and has access to the target installation.


  • To display the name, namespace, and app version of your Connectware installation, enter the following command: helm list -A


The name, namespace, and version number of your Connectware installation is displayed in the NAME, NAMESPACE, and APP VERSION columns. If you have trouble locating your Connectware installation in the list, look for connectware in the CHART column.

NAMENAMESPACErevisionupdatedstatuschartapp VERSION
connectwareconnectware42022-12-01 17:04:16.664663648 +0100 CETdeployedconnectware-

For the code examples in this documentation, we use the following variables:

  • Name: <installation-name>
  • Namespace: <namespace>
  • App version: <current-version>

Extracting the values.yaml file

The Helm configuration that Connectware uses is stored in the values.yaml file. You can extract the values.yaml file from your installation.



  • To extract this file from your installation, enter the following command:
helm get values <installation-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml > values.yaml
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

For the code examples in this documentation, we use the variable <values.yaml> to refer to the currently used Helm values.

Related links

Applying Helm configuration changes

When you have changed the Helm configuration in your values.yaml file, you must apply the changes via an Helm upgrade.

Important: When you apply the changes that you have made to the values.yaml file, the former configuration is overwritten. We recommend that you apply configuration changes during planned maintenance times.



  1. In the values.yaml file, edit the configuration parameters.
    • Note: Make sure to stick to the YAML indentation rules.
  2. To apply the changed configuration parameters, enter the following command:
helm upgrade -n <namespace> <installation-name> -f values.yaml
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)
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    Upgrading Connectware on Kubernetes

  • Variables Used in the Code Examples (Kubernetes)

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