Configuring Agents with the connectware-agent Helm Chart


You can configure your Connectware agents deployed through the connectware-agent Helm chart by adjusting Helm values in your values.yaml file and re-applying it using a Helm upgrade.


helm upgrade -i connectware-agent cybus/connectware-agent -f values.yaml -n <namespace>
Code-Sprache: YAML (yaml)

If you need help starting out with a values.yaml file, follow the Installing Connectware agents using the connectware-agent Helm chart article.

In our examples we will explain the parameters in the protocolMapperAgents Helm context, but unless otherwise noted they are also available to configure through protocolMapperAgentDefaults as mentioned in Configuration principles for the connectware-agent Helm chart.

Connectware’s agents are part of a Kubernetes StatefulSet. If any of them are not in the state “running” when you execute helm upgrade, you will need to manually delete the pod afterwards, for an updated pod to be scheduled.

Available Helm Values

Root-Level Helm Values

These values are on the root level of your values.yaml file.

Helm valueDescriptionDiscussed in
licenseKeyA valid license for Cybus ConnectwareInstalling Connectware agents using the connectware-agent Helm chart
protocolMapperAgentDefaultsThis set of configuration values is applied to all agents, unless they override specific valuesConfiguration principles for the connectware-agent Helm chart
protocolMapperAgentsA collection of Connectware agents to be deployed. Each collection entry can contain configuration to override the defaultsConfiguration principles for the connectware-agent Helm chart
fullnameOverrideOverride the full name of this installation, which is used as a name prefix. Use „“ to remove prefixingControlling the name of Kubernetes objects for the connectware-agent Helm chart
nameOverrideOverride the chart name of this installation, which is used as part of the name prefixControlling the name of Kubernetes objects for the connectware-agent Helm chart

protocolMapperAgentDefaults Helm Values

These values are within the protocolMapperAgentDefaults section and control the behavior of all deployed agents.

Helm valueDescriptionDiscussed in
connectwareHostDNS name under which the Connectware installation is available to the agentConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
controlPlaneBrokerEnabledDefine if the Connectware installation uses the separate control-plane-broker featureConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
image.nameThe name of the container image used for the agentConfiguring image name and version for the connectware-agent Helm chart
image.versionContainer version or tag used for the agentConfiguring image name and version for the connectware-agent Helm chart
image.registryContainer image registry to be used for the agent. Set to „“ to not specify a registryUsing a custom image registry for the connectware-agent Helm chart
image.pullPolicyKubernetes imagePullPolicy used for the agent. One of: Always, Never, IfNotPresentConfiguring image pull policy for the connectware-agent Helm chart
image.pullSecretsA collection of objects containing Kubernetes imagePullSecrets with a name attribute, to be used by the agentUsing a custom image registry for the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.enabledDefine if mTLS (Certificate Authentication) is enabledUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.caChain.certThe Certificate Authority certificate chain as a literal PEM encoded stringUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.caChain.existingConfigMapAn existing Kubernetes ConfigMap containing the Certificate Authority certificate chain in a file named ca-chain.pemUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
mqtt.tlsDefine if TLS (Transport Encryption) is enabledConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
mqtt.controlHostOverride the default host for the control-plane MQTT connectionConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
mqtt.dataHostOverride the default host for the data MQTT connectionConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
mqtt.controlPortOverride the default port for the control-plane MQTT connectionConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
mqtt.dataPortOverride the default port for the data MQTT connectionConfiguring target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm chart
persistence.accessModeThe Kubernetes AccessMode to request for the persistent volume. One of: ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, ReadWriteOncePodConfiguring agent persistence for the connectware-agent Helm chart
persistence.sizeA Kubernetes Quantity to request as size for the persistent volumeConfiguring agent persistence for the connectware-agent Helm chart
persistence.storageClassNameThe name of the Kubernetes StorageClass to request for the persistent volumeConfiguring agent persistence for the connectware-agent Helm chart
podAntiAffinityDefine what type of podAntiAffinity to use for the agent. One of: none, soft, hardConfiguring podAntiAffinity for the connectware-agent Helm chart
podAntiAffinityOptionsDefine configuration values specific to podAntiAffinityConfiguring podAntiAffinity for the connectware-agent Helm chart
resources.requests.cpuKubernetes Quantity that describes the agents CPU requestsConfiguring compute resources for the connectware-agent Helm chart
resources.requests.memoryKubernetes Quantity that describes the agents memory requestsConfiguring compute resources for the connectware-agent Helm chart
resources.limits.cpuKubernetes Quantity that describes the agents CPU limitsConfiguring compute resources for the connectware-agent Helm chart
resources.limits.memoryKubernetes Quantity that describes the agents memory limitsConfiguring compute resources for the connectware-agent Helm chart
envA collection of objects with name and value describing environment variables passed to the agentConfiguring environment variables for the connectware-agent Helm chart
annotationsA set of Kubernetes annotations to be added to all agent resourcesConfiguring environment variables for the connectware-agent Helm chart
labelsA set of Kubernetes labels to be added to all agent resourcesConfiguring labels and annotations for the connectware-agent Helm chart
podAnnotationsA set of Kubernetes annotations to be added to the agent pod onlyConfiguring labels and annotations for the connectware-agent Helm chart
podLabelsA set of Kubernetes labels to be added to the agent pod onlyConfiguring labels and annotations for the connectware-agent Helm chart
nodeSelectorA set of Kubernetes labels a node must have for the agent to be scheduled on itAssigning agents to Kubernetes nodes for the connectware-agent Helm chart
securityContextDefine the Kubernetes SecurityContext for the agentConfiguring security context for the connectware-agent Helm chart
podSecurityContextDefine the Kubernetes SecurityContext for the agents podConfiguring security context for the connectware-agent Helm chart
service.annotationsA set of Kubernetes annotations to be added to the agents service onlyConfiguring labels and annotations for the connectware-agent Helm chart
service.labelsA set of Kubernetes labels to be added to the agents service onlyConfiguring labels and annotations for the connectware-agent Helm chart

protocolMapperAgents Helm Values

These values are within the protocolMapperAgents section, which is a list of agents you want to deploy and are configured per entry for an agent. See Configuration principles for the connectware-agent Helm chart for details. Additionally to the values listed here, all values under protocolMapperAgentDefaults are available per-agent.

Helm valueDescriptionDiscussed in
nameThe name of the Connectware agent. If you use mTLS this must match the certificates CN/SANInstalling Connectware agents using the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.keyPair.certThe mTLS certificate chain as a literal PEM encoded stringUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.keyPair.keyThe mTLS private key as a literal PEM encoded stringUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
mTLS.existingSecretAn existing Kubernetes Secret containing the mTLS certificate and key in files named tls.crt and tls.keyUsing Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart
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    Configuration Principles for the connectware-agent Helm Chart

  • Configuring Target Connectware for the connectware-agent Helm Chart

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