Predictive Maintenance with Cybus

Maximum efficiency through predictive maintenance – optimize your production!

Cybus Connectware supports you in implementing predictive maintenance at the highest level and avoiding downtimes in your production. With our scalable solution, specially developed for complex production environments, you can analyze huge volumes of data in real time


Your key to fail-safe production

Reliable predictions with productive data

Predictive maintenance is one of the key drivers of Industry 4.0. Based on historical production data, assumptions are made for future machine or plant status, thus optimizing maintenance and servicing. Properly implemented, predictive maintenance increases the effective production time of your plants by significantly shortening maintenance times. Through optimal plant control, you save avoidable costs for spare parts and increase workplace safety.

LIVE data acquisition

Creating the perfect data basis

With Cybus Connectware, production data is collected, standardized and pre-processed in real-time and on-premises: You define individual thresholds, notification criteria and rules for data pre-processing. Through the strict security gate and access rights management, you decide which data is transmitted to authorized target applications, systems and clouds.

avoiding downtimes

Start risk-free and ROI-oriented

For the implementation phase, it is essential to generate the first measurable added value in a short time. At the same time, production operations must not be disrupted. This requires non-invasive, local data acquisition and integrated solutions. With pre-qualified services and partner applications, Cybus Connectware enables reliable and compatible solutions for your production.

leveraging optimization potential

Use machine data proactively

When you monitor and leverage your machine data, continuous improvement succeeds: Cybus’ universal data infrastructure provides you with all the data you need to optimize production so that you can:

  • Identify inefficient processes
  • Reduce downtime and repair times
  • Reduce maintenance costs

Predictive Maintenance with Cybus

All advantages in one Smart Factory software


Regular monitoring of machine and system conditions significantly reduces unexpected machine downtime.


Integrated connectors, mechanisms for data cleansing and the creation of your own blueprints enable the fastest possible entry into the project.


Predictive maintenance reduces not only the number, but also the severity of damage. In this way extend the lifecycle of your equipment significantly and reduce TCO.


Through continuous evaluation, you gain valuable insights and are able to make the right decisions for production optimization.


Cybus Connectware establishes a scalable and high-performance data architecture that allows you to implement any digital use case.

predictive maintenance

With Cybus Connectware you realize predictive maintenance for direct application.

Talk to our IIoT experts

Your personal contact

Would you like to find out what you can achieve with Cybus Connectware in your factory? We would be happy to discuss your requirements and plans with you and guide you through the Factory Data Hub Connectware in a live demo.

Sales manager

Lukas Theilacker

Book an appointment

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cybus connectware

Scalable data infrastructure for Smart Factory

Holistic factory connectivity with one platform

The leading Factory Data Hub Connectware is suitable for the first steps of digitalization up to Smart Factory Transformation. In addition to full shop floor connectivity, Connectware creates a scalable data infrastructure for digital projects without boundaries. One platform for all IIoT projects, independent of interfaces and manufacturers.

Further use cases with the Factory Data Hub

Realize any use case with a universal data infrastructure

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