News, Partners | 11.03.2025

Cybus Connectware now available via Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Cybus Connectware, the proven solution for industrial data integration, is now available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace. With rapid deployment and seamless integration into existing IT and cloud infrastructures, this step creates clear benefits for companies that want to use their manufacturing data efficiently and securely.

With Connectware on Azure Marketplace, companies benefit from greatly simplified procurement, attractive conditions and seamless implementation in their existing Azure environment.

Easy procurement thanks to Azure Marketplace

The Azure Marketplace provides a central platform through which companies can quickly and easily obtain software solutions such as Cybus Connectware. Azure users have direct access to Connectware as an Azure container. This allows for seamless and fast deployment in the existing Azure cluster.

Suitable for manufacturing companies with Azure Cloud
The new offering is particularly interesting for manufacturing companies that already use Microsoft Azure for their cloud infrastructure and are looking for efficient, uncomplicated ways to connect their production processes with Azure. Via the marketplace, companies can significantly shorten their purchasing process.

Benefits include fast deployment and simple data integration
Through the Azure Marketplace, companies can obtain the Connectware Azure Container as an easy-to-use and scalable solution for collecting shop floor data and automatically preparing and integrating it for analytics, AI and business applications in Azure. Deploying the Connectware Container in the existing Azure cloud environment ensures easy and fast data integration.

Results are fast time-to-data and time-to-value
Built to work with the Azure environment, organizations benefit from rapid deployment and seamless integration with Azure environments. As a result, companies can quickly access their data and put it to work in value-added use cases. 

Seamless integration in Azure

Cybus Connectware is delivered as a pre-configured Azure container. The solution is conveniently deployed within a company’s existing Azure infrastructure. There is no need for additional hardware or complex integration projects.

  • Direct embedding:
    The solution integrates seamlessly into existing Azure environments and uses the company’s existing resources.
  • Quick deployment:
    Preconfigured containers ensure a smooth start and are compatible with existing workflows. Users can therefore start using the data straight away.
  • Maximum security:
    The official listing in the Azure Marketplace guarantees that Cybus Connectware meets Microsoft’s stringent security and compliance requirements.

This seamless integration lowers the barrier for companies to provide their production data securely and efficiently for analytics and IoT applications.

Added value for manufacturing and digitalization

The availability of Cybus Connectware on the Azure Marketplace is a critical step for companies looking to drive their digital transformation. With optimized purchasing processes, attractive conditions and easy implementation, companies can integrate their production data into innovative applications faster and more securely.

Manufacturing companies using Connectware are leveraging the integrated data to implement both traditional analytics use cases and advanced AI and automation projects. Connectware thus becomes a key tool for companies that want to modernize and optimize their manufacturing processes in a data-driven way.

Discover Connectware on the Azure Marketplace

Microsoft Stack with Connectware: How AI will change manufacturing

“Hey Copilot, can you connect this machine to this cloud application?” The integration and interaction of Connectware with Microsoft services and technologies holds great potential for users and companies. In the videocast “Microsoft SaaS Stories | Learn from Software Experts”, Jasmin Skenderi, CTO of Cybus, and Jason Young, Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft, discuss the possible developments that Azure users can look forward to. They discuss how the joint technologies are changing the manufacturing industry.

About Microsoft Azure Marketplace

The Azure Marketplace is an online marketplace for buying and selling cloud solutions that are certified to run on Azure. On the Azure Marketplace, companies looking for innovative cloud-based solutions can network with partners who have ready-to-use solutions in their portfolio. To the Marketplace >

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