A Factory Data Hub builds the bedrock foundation for a Smart Factory

Factory Data Hub: The future of manufacturing

Smart Factory only becomes reality with a central data architecture. Learn how a Factory Data Hub can build the bedrock foundation for smart manufacturing.

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Connectware Release 1.6.0

With the new UI and higher performance in processing large deployments, 1.6.0 ensures greater resilience and smooth workflows.

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Rootless containers. A feature of Cybus Connectware

Rootless containers or the principle of least privilege

With rootless containers, companies benefit from a more secure and efficient way to deploy applications.

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Cennectware release 1.5.0

Connectware release 1.5.0

With Connectware release 1.5.0, the latest update to our Factory Data Hub, we are introducing rootless containers for added security and compliance.

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Cybus Connectware release 1.4.0

Connectware release 1.4.0

Multi-factor authentication is finally here! Update to Connectware 1.4.0 now and start 2024 with an additional layer of security. Learn more.

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Connectware feature 1.3.0 authentication and authorization simplified with LDAP

Connectware 1.3.0 feature highlight

New feature alert! With Connectware version 1.3.0, we have integrated LDAP to enhance user authentication and access control.

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Cybus Connectware update 1.3.0

Connectware release 1.3.0

We’re pleased to announce Connectware 1.3.0, the latest update to our Factory Data Hub with exciting new features and improvements.

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Connectware release 1.2.1

Connectware release 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1 of Connectware is out. Our engineers have enhanced message processing speed by fine-tuning the Protocol Mapper to deliver up to 73% faster response times.

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Visual with text Overlay stating "Cybus Connectware release 1.2"

Connectware release 1.2.0

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Connectware 1.2 with its new user interface. Find out more about all recent changes and updates.

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Features and Updates of Cybus Connectware with Bits&Bytes 4


The Cybus Connectware rules are used to perform powerful transformations of data messages right inside the data processing of the software.

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Features and Updates of Cybus Connectware with Bits&Bytes 4


In this newsletter we will briefly explain the improvements of the new Connectware Release and some features.

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Features and Software Updates with Bits&Bytes #5

#5 BITS & BYTES | New Year’s resolutions

In this newsletter on new features and software updates you will learn about an improved UI, password security and Ansible collection.

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