News | 28.04.2023

Automobil Produktion Kongress

Automobil Produktion Kongress 2023

The future of Automotive

Our participation at the Automotive Production Congress on May 16, 2023 in Munich was a full success! Cybus CEO Peter Sorowka presented in his keynote proven best practices on how to address challenges related to communication between IT and OT, delivery constraints, and legislative requirements all in one IT strategy. Watch the full keynote now on-demand. Disclaimer: Keynote is only available in German.

Cybus nimmt am Automobil Produktion Kongress in München teil. Am 16. Mai. 2023

Peter Sorowka

CEO von Cybus

🔴 Watch recording | GERman only

Navigating through shop floor and cloud

The IT architecture of the future

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    Connectware at a glance

    The digital product brochure

    In our digital product brochure you will find the summary of the most important features and benefits of the Factory Data Hub Cybus Connectware.

    Integration of OT and IT

    Success story automotive production

    In our success story, we highlight how a German automotive company seamlessly integrates OT and IT with the Factory Data Hub from Cybus.

    Leading manufacturers rely on Cybus

    Whether metal processing, automotive or toolmaking – leading manufacturers rely on the Factory Data Hub

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