Produkt | 20.04.2022


(March 2022, up to latest release 1.0.78)

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the days are beginning to get longer – Spring is finally arriving. Also our Connectware blossoms in a new look just in time for this season, as we have made some major changes in our Admin UI. In this release update newsletter, we will briefly explain these improvements.


Jonas Schramm, Head of Product at Cybus

Jonas, Head of Product


In this short video, Jonas introduces the new functionalities and UI of user and roles management of Cybus Connectware.

User Interface of Cybus Connectware

A fresh breeze, a fresh Admin UI

We’ve been spring cleaning our Connectware, tidying up some bugs and adding some nice new features to our Admin UI.

  • In this process we have introduced a new design and new functionalities in the pages for user management, role management, and permission overview. It gives a much better overview and better user experience for editing all aspects of users and roles.
  • Also we implemented the new Rule Engine Sandbox page for live evaluating rule engine transformation expressions.
  • When using long-lived web tokens, the possibility to use this token for authentication has been added (see Browser authentication) where the token is specified by an additional apiToken URL parameter. This authentication can be used for admin UI pages as well as for accessing service containers according to their ingress routes. Both cases can be interesting for viewing status pages without having to enter a username and password in a browser.
  • Admin-UI user management: Implement the possibility of renaming a user.

To get an overview of the latest changes, new designs and new features, it is worth taking a look at our latest Cybus Connectware documentation repository.

Our Cybus Dev Team uses a rolling release cycle with weekly updates. This gives us the opportunity to quickly incorporate bug fixes and improvements. So submit your feature request or bug report – and start the countdown.

See you next month!

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